Project status: Closed

How you had YourSay:

Thanks for participating in our online survey and sharing your ideas about the future of playgrounds in the city.

During consultation we received 958 responses to the online survey, we also received 412 face-to-face survey responses. We analysed this data to better understand what makes these places an important community feature to you, and how and why you use playgrounds.

Check out the Canberra Destination Playground Study for more information and recommendations or read the What We Heard report for a snapshot of what happened during the engagement.

What we looked at:

The City Renewal Authority, in partnership with the University of Canberra’s Play Creativity and Culture Project, conducted an audit of Canberra’s destination and city playgrounds.

The audit assessed and gathered information including:

  • input from the community,
  • data collection of available play facilities and amenities,
  • observation of playground usage and activity types, and
  • on-site surveys of users about attitudes to play facilities.

How we used your views:

The study found that Canberra playgrounds – both destination and local – play an essential role in people’s lives. Your feedback in the online and face-to-face survey helped develop the study which highlights eight recommendations for current and future destination playgrounds in Canberra (and playgrounds in general):

  • Shade, age appropriate enclosures and extreme weather protection
  • More challenging and diverse forms of play
  • More and better facilities
  • Equipment for a wider range of ages
  • Natural features - including trees, grass and water features
  • Make larger, quality playgrounds NOT more, smaller playgrounds
  • Improve older playgrounds
  • Proximity

The study will be used to:

  • Help us design a unique play space for West Basin.
  • Show community expectations and help us plan for the future play spaces in the city area.
  • Contribute to the Better Suburbs conversation.

Check out the Canberra Destination Playground Study for more information and recommendations.